Basic Music Theory

This is a short basic introduction to music theory and assumes you know absolutely nothing about music theory. See the description below for more details.

€20   FREE

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When an artist writes a piece of music using an instrument, the instrument is not the canvas the piece is written on, the scales and chords (built on the principles of music theory) are. There is no need to be confused by music theory, it actually should have the opposite effect, it will open your eyes to the patterns of music that actually have a foundation in nature itself. Learn from the very beginning step by step for FREE.

What will you learn?

  • What a note is
  • How notes are named in music
  • About distances between notes
  • What sharps & flats are
  • What a scale is
  • Major & minor scales
  • What a chord is
  • What makes a major chord
  • What makes a minor chord
  • What a key signature is

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