Great Ukulele Pic

5 Reasons to Finally Learn How to Play the Ukulele

November 12, 2021

If you’ve been eyeing that pretty ukulele for a while, consider this a sign to go for it. Ukuleles are more popular now than ever, and it’s a great beginner’s instrument. Whether you’re a kid, teenager, or adult, anyone can learn to play the ukulele.

Still not convinced? Here are 5 reasons why it’s finally time to finally learn how to play the ukulele.

1. It's Inexpensive

Unlike pianos, guitars, and other instruments, ukuleles are relatively cheap. Unlike pianos or electric keyboards where you have to invest a lot before you even know if you enjoy playing, ukuleles have a small price tag. You can find a good-quality beginner ukulele from about $50-$100. Of course, you can always go higher than that, but you don’t have to.

2. It’s Easy to Learn

Music beginners will love the ukulele because it’s fairly easy to learn. There are only four strings, unlike a guitar, which has six strings. This makes things like strumming pretty easy, and you don’t have to make any awkward and uncomfortable hand and finger movements to play.

Most songs are also easily adaptable to the beginner ukulele player. Since ukuleles only have four chords, more complicated songs can be simplified down to fit the ukulele. With all the ukulele resources available, you’d have a hard time finding a song that hasn’t already been adapted to the ukulele.

You can also learn how to play the ukulele through many different ways: ukulele learning apps, YouTube, music books, video courses, and ukulele teachers. No matter what song or style of learning you prefer, you can find a way to learn.

That being said, learning to play the ukulele still takes commitment. If you’re ready to put in a little effort and a little practice, you’ll be able to pick it up fairly easily.

3. Take it Wherever You Go

One of the reasons people love ukuleles is that they’re small and lightweight, which makes them very portable. Do you want to play your ukulele at the beach? You can. Play it at school? Absolutely. Bring it on a family vacation? Why not? Any time you want to practice or play, your ukulele could be right within reach.

4. You’ll Instantly Be Cooler

In case you didn’t know, knowing how to play the ukulele will make you more popular. Have you ever noticed how people flock to music? People will automatically want to be around you when they hear you playing the ukulele.

There’s an added bonus that holding a ukulele automatically makes you look like a cool surfer/beach-goer. Have you ever seen a surfer who isn’t cool? Didn’t think so.

5. It’s Fun!

Lest we forget, you should learn how to play the ukulele because it’s fun. Your life is busy with things you have to do. Why don’t you add in something you want to do? Playing the ukulele is relaxing, and it sounds very pretty. You’ll get a sense of accomplishment when you learn how to play your favorite song.

Are you ready to impress your friends and have some fun? Check out our beginner ukulele and intermediate ukulele video courses to start today!

Ukulele Courses